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Egli Motorcycles of Switzerland. Technical information and images.

Egli Vincent @
1. JMC Egli-Vincent (Featured)
With over two decades of design and development behind it, JMC Classics are proud to be able to present to you the JMC Egli-Vincent motorcycle. This built-to-order classic new build can now be yours from JMC Classics - the business that fully understands the technical complexities of these modernised classics.

JMC Classics are extremely proud to be able to take over from the original master, Roger Slater, and as the UK's sole Agent for Egli-Vincent and Norvin, JMC Classics can offer customers an unparalleled specialist service.

Call JMC Classics: Workshop: 01763 249 600

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2. Kingham Racing (Featured)
dedicated to the racing of the kingham vincents in british historic racing Includes The Egli Story
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3. Egli at The EMU
Egli - Contemporary Sports Motorcycles from Switzerland.
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4. Egli Motorcycles
Egli - Contemporary Sports Motorcycles from Switzerland
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5. Egli Motorcycles - Image Gallery
Egli Motorcycles - Image Gallery of Classic Swiss Motorcycles from Sheldon's EMU.
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6. Egli Racing Ich grüsse alle Motorradfreunde, Die Tourenbummler, Naturgeniesser, Die Speed Junkies, Feinstaubproduzenten, Benzinabfackler, Die alten Braven, die jungen Rebellen, Die Superbike Freaks, die Classic Bike Afficionados, Alle, die Benzin im Blut haben, die in irgend einer Form Freude und Begeisterung fürs Motorrad zeigen !
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7. Patrick Godet Motorcycles
Egli-Vincents Over the past decade or so, Patrick has refined and developed the motorcycle which was produced in Switzerland by Fritz Egli in the 60's and 70's as a means of providing one of the fastest and best handling road and race bikes in the world.
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