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FN Motorcycles from Belgium - Restorations, Images, Clubs, Technical Information...
2. FN Model M50 1923-1926
Two pages in Czech with numerous excellent photos.
Poslední sériově vyráběný čtyřválec firmy FN byl v roce 1923 model M50 o objemu 750 ccm. Na motocyklu prvně opustili pohon zadního kola hřídelí. Podle světového trendu udávaného americkými stroji ACE a Henderson měl klasický řetězový pohon a již standardní dvojitý rám s trubkami vedenými pod motorem. |
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5. FN Motorcycles
The earliest fours changed a little through the initial years.The first Fours had a single speed shaft drive. All through the series they were made with a shaft drive.
Ignition was initially by a "single" type magneto coupled to a distributor unit. The earliest version were single speed, and only a clutch provided a neutral. In 1907 a two speed device was optional, it was connected inline with the driveshaft and then more details were improved and even more equipment added through the years.. |
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9. FN, 1913 - Museum Victoria
Manufactured by Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre (FN) at Herstal, near Liege, Belgium in 1913, this is the oldest motor cycle in the Museums' collection. It was purchased in 1986. |
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