Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Puchfreunde Hausleiten

We, the Puchfreunde Hausleiten, are a motley crew, aged 18 to 70 years. From apprentice, officers, locksmiths, restaurateurs, fire chief up to the bank manager, everything is represented. On Friday we meet most of our regular Eder in Hausleiten in very casual atmosphere. There, sitting young and old together -. often tell the older of the teenage years of the 50s and 60s and all sounds curious to the "gateway drug" in almost every was a Stanglpuch, which was already owned by the family and partly forgotten in a barn stood . Some, however, used the Puch always as an everyday vehicle, such as our Sepp and Robert who still drive it to work. Karl even has its original DS 50, which he took 16 years, reactivated, Helmut the SR scooter its father meticulously restored. , when I extended my collection after the turn of the millennium and more and more people have been infected with the virus oldie, we launched together with the fire brigade, the first classic car rally in 2007. From then on, things really took off and it became more and more Puchbegeisterte.


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Category: Puch

Date Listed: 16 Dec 2011

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