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Rudge Whitworth Motorcycles - Made in England - History, Parts Supplies, Technical Information, Images, Specifications

1. 499cc. dirt-track Rudge
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2. Glanfield Rudge Vintage Dirt Tracker
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3. Harry's Website
Rudge man Most of those of you who don’t frequent the Merry Harriers at Hambledon (the venue for the Surrey/Hants area of our Club) will not have met Harry Long. Harry is an inveterate story teller and his tales of his Rudge exploits have enthralled many of those who have propped up the bar of the Harriers on the last Monday of every month. In spite of his abilities as a raconteur, Harry claims that he is not a writer so in this occasional series I am attempting to capture some of Harry’s stories so that more of we Rudge Enthusiasts can enjoy them. Any deficiencies in the telling are my own and I accept full responsibility for them!
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4. Rudge 1930 Racer
Manuel Parra of Spain sent photos of his just-completed restoration of a 1930 'TT' Rudge, which was originally raced in France under pilot Ric Felix Llamdo. A French collector owned it for many years, and began the process of restoration...
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5. Rudge Enthusiasts Club
We are a friendly club dedicated to Rudge-Whitworth/Rudge (Coventry) motorcycles. With members all over the world, a comprehensive spares scheme and regular meetings in many countries, apply to join the club today...
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6. Rudge Enthusiasts Club
The Rudge Enthusiasts Club is a vibrant and friendly community for people interested in Rudge-Whitworth Motorcycles and is dedicated to keeping these vintage motorcycles alive.
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7. Rudge Motorcycle Specialists - Peter Scott Motorcycles
Peter Scott Motorcycles - Rudge Specialists and Rudge Motorcycle Club Representative Australia.
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8. Rudge Motorcycles
Rudge Motorcycles - Classic British Motorcycles
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9. Rudge-Whitworth Motorcycles - Image Gallery
Rudge-Whitworth Pictures - Image Gallery of Classic English Motorcycles from Sheldon's EMU.
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10. - the home of all things technical for Rudge Whitworth motorcycles New pistons ,Ulster pattern, no machining required (unlike OMEGA ones) New gearbox overhaul book & DVD available soon
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11. STRATFORD-RUDGE Rudge-Whitworth Racing
Photos and info on Mervyn Stratfords multi-championship winning 250cc Rudge.
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12. The Royal Rudge 1925
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13. Ueber Motorrad-Veteranen und Mister Rudge
rund um den Motorradprofessor Helmut Krackowizer, seine Leidenschaft zu Rudge, seine Oldtimer Grand Prix am Salzburgring, seine Bleistiftszeichungen u. a.
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Related: British Motorcycles


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