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Simson Motorcycles - Specialist Pages, Technical Information, Parts Sources...

1. Simson at Autosoviet
Simson motorcycles
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2. Simson Motorcycles Simson motorcycles - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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3. Simson Offizielle Homepage SIMSON und MZ Ersatzteile finden Sie bei MZA - mit Online-Shop für Händler und Endkunden
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4. Simson S51 1987 Comfort Sports Moped
1987 Simson S51 Comfort Sports Moped - Classic Bike Guide - The former DDR government made a policy decision in the early 1960s that all motorcycles produced within East Germany would be two-stroke machines as they were cheaper to produce, simple to maintain and powerful for their cubic capacity; if a little smoky around town. The effect of this decision was that MZ in Zschopau were assigned motorcycle production, whereas the Suhl based Simson factory were allocated the brief of moped production, effectively calling time on their popular, shaft drive, 4-stroke, 250cc 425 model.
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