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Classic German Motorcycles of the 30s, 40s and 50s.

1. TWN Boss 350 (Featured)
Around 1980 I came into possession of a TWN Boss 350 from 1955. The engine was running and I did not completely taken home with the plan to the motorcycle to restore and renovate. Full of enthusiasm I have the engine apart. Meanwhile, there was a lot more work to be and I saw against the costs. The project is in the corner of the garage and ended up stopped. 15 years ago I met a former technician at the racing world who wanted to look at the block watch that looked like and if there is....
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2. Deutsche Triumph Fahrrad Werke AG
Motorrader aus Nurnberg; TRIUMPH Typen Galerie-1 Galerie-2 Galerie-3 Galerie-4 1903-1920 Knirps 1920-1929 KK T T II S K III K IV, K V K 6, K 7 K 8, K 9 K 10, K 11 T III T 4 1930-1939 SSK T 350 T 500 BL 170 RR 750 KV 200 KV 250 SK 250 RL 30 Noris 200 TM 500 STM 500 Kongress 200 K TS 100 B 200 B 204 B 350 S 350 S 500 B 125 BD 250 1940-1949 BDG 250 1950-1959 BDG 125 Cornet Boss Contessa Tessy Knirps-Moped Fips, Sportfips
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3. Die Meisterdinger von Nürnberg
Kommunikation (COMMS): Besitzerliste Forum Literatur Multimedia News Sitemap Kontakt/Impressum
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4. German Triumph TWN Motorcycles
Triumph TWN Motorcycles and Scooters - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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5. German Triumph TWN Motorcycles Triumph TWN Motorcycles and Scooters - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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6. featuring TWN Triumph
Rund 80 Motorrad-Klassiker der Jahre 1906 bis 1980 sind in den drei Räumen des Museums ausgestellt. Vorwiegend TWN (Triumph Werke Nürnberg) und Zündapp. Einzelexemplare u.a. von Motosacoche, Condor, Horex, BMW, NSU...
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7. Triumph Motorradern aus Nurnberg
T 500 gebaut von 1930 -1934 Das Restaurieren und Fahren von Triumph (TWN) Motorrädern, die zwischen 1903 bis 1957 in Nürnberg gebaut wurden, steht bei unserem Hobby im Vordergrund.
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8. Triumph TWN by
...By 1928-29 Triumph had become the third largest manufacturer with 13,500 units produced after DKW and Zuendapp, and in the year 1929, they separated from Triumph Coventry...
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9. Triumph TWN Image Gallery
Triumph Damen- und Herren Mofa, 74cc 1,2hp Sachs, 1931-1934 Triumph Herren Mofa, 98cc 2,25hp Sachs, 1935-1940, 23k photo Triumph TS 100, 98cc 2,25hp Sachs, 1934-1936 Triumph B 125 Drehschieber, 122cc 4,2hp own 2-stroke, 1939-1943 and more...
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10. Triumph Werke Nürnberg Für die Modelle BDG 250 / H / S / L / SL / Bundeswehr und Boss können fast alle Ersatzteile geliefert werden. Für andere Modelle können Sie Ersatzteile einzeln anfragen. Für alle Triumph Doppelkolben Motoren werden in unserer Werkstatt komplette Motorüberholungen, aber auch Teilrestaurierungen angeboten. Zylinder können bei uns geschliffen und Kurbelwellen überholt werden.
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11. TWN Club Zürich
TWN-Club Zürich: Trial- und Motorradfahren vom Feinsten! Alles über unser Clubleben allgemein. Ja, einige von uns haben sogar noch eine TWN Maschine (seehe links).
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12. TWN Triumph
Triumph Freunde Urberach Restoring and driving Triumph (TWN) motorcycles that were built between 1903 to 1957 in Nuremberg, in our hobby in the foreground.
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13. TWN Zweirad IG Regio Schweiz
Homepage der TWN Zweirad IG Regio Schweiz Includes information on nirps Knirps KK K3 K4 / K5 K6 / K7 K8 / K9 / K9 Supra K10 / K11 / K11 Supra T1 / T2 T3 T4 T0 T 350 SSK / SSK Luxus Kongress T 500 TM 500 SST 500 / SST Luxus STM 500 S 500 RR 750 TS 100 Motorfahrrad BL / BLS 170 KV 200 SKV 200 SK 200 SKL 200 K 200 Kardan RL / RLS 200 RL 30 Noris 200 / 201 B 200 B 204 B 254 S 350 B 350 BD 250 B 125
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Extensive information in this Dutch site on the TWN of the 1950s. false 502 Bad Gateway 1211, 1301, 1308
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Meine Triumph Boss mit Steib LS 200 The vehicle is now with registration number BN 99-363 been approved for marketing. (The mark was still a garrison flag. In 1948 in all zones of Germany a unified designation system was introduced that in the Federal Republic of Germany until 1956, was in use. The number plate system consisted of a country code on the left side. Was followed by a number for each country - or county name followed by a number behind the hyphen
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