Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Category: Australian Classic Clubs

Classic Owners Motorcycle Club of SA

Meetings 4th Tuesday of the month at Woodville Centre, James A Nelson Hall, 98-100 Woodville Road, Woodville. SA. Proceed north along Woodville Road from Port Road & the premises is not far north of the Woodville Town Hall & can be entered from the north end. Parking is available in front of the hall that we will meet in.


Information: N/A

Category: Australian Classic Clubs

Date Listed: 21 Dec 2007

Number of Reviews/Comments: 7

User Reviews/Comments:

By: John Alexandrou
our Townsville Club is looking at doing a pre 1965 rally next year, is it possible to get a calendar of events for your, and any other clubs in SA
Date: 7 Apr 2015

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By: geoff matthews
I have a 1950's belted motorcycle jacket last worn 1953 when my father had an accident on his BSA 650 Golden Flash perfect cond. made by Shelley Products in Adelaide, heavy leather, if worth anything, could you suggest a rough price?

Date: 16 Oct 2014

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Classic Owners Motorcycle Club of SA
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