Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Oldtimer Club Deutschland

Oldtimerfreunde Angeln In 1980, first met friends and collectors of vintage vehicle - veterans and founded the "Oldtimer Interest Group Böel", under the leadership of then-pastor Hans-Joachim Ottermann. The possessed among other things, some even restored motorcycles and a Lanz Bulldog from the year 1942. The objective of this Interessengemeischaft should be: maintenance and preservation of classic cars, procurement of spare parts, which is more difficult, the older and rarer is a Fahrzug. In addition, standing mutual aid in the restoration of vehicles and the maintenance of the camaraderie and socializing in the foreground.


Information: N/A

Category: German Classic Clubs

Date Listed: 13 Apr 2006

Number of Reviews/Comments: 0

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