Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Category: Motorcycle Museums of France

Cité de l'Automobile Mulhouse

undoubtedly the largest collection of Bugattis in the world, many many Ferraris and hundreds more of the very best and most interesting cars ever built


Information: This is a museum not to be missed! Consisting of undoubtedly the largest collection of Bugattis in the world, many many Ferraris and hundreds more of the very best and most interesting cars ever built, it is presented in such a fashion that anyone who loves art will love this exhibition. Only a few motorcycles. Mulhouse is in NE France not far from the Swiss border.

Cité de l'Automobile - Collection de voitures Schlumpf - Site officiel de la Cité de l'Automobile, l'une des plus belles collections de voitures au monde. Accueil du public, visites, horaires, tarifs, réceptions et cocktails. Musée en Alsace.

Category: France

Date Listed: 8 Jun 2012

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Cité de l'Automobile Mulhouse
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