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Collections of Classic, Vintage & Veteran Motorcycles in Germany
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23. Motorradmuseum Ducherow
Motorradmuseum Ducherow e.V.
Enrico Hartwig
Fuchsweg 1
17398 Ducherow
Motorrader der Jahre 1920 bis 1960
To name a few models: Standard BS 500, Gnome, hikers, BMW, Zundapp,
NSU several models and Harley-Davidson WLA and Red October, L300.
Also, motorcycles, which were excavated or salvaged from lakes,
a worthy place in the middle of the restored models get.
Further, many things can be visited around the bike! |
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31. Steib Seitenwagen
We show some 40 motorcycles of 1926 to the early sixties, German and English, restored and unrestored as well as engines, sidecars and related items. |
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