Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Category: Motorcycle Museums of Scandinavia

Danmarks Tekniske Museum

The museum has an impressive collection of steam engines, inventions, electric appliances, bicycles, cars and airplanes. Photographs indicate that there are at least a few motorcycles.


Information: Danmarks Tekniske Museum er stiftet af Industriforeningen og af H�ndv�rkerforeningen i K�benhavn i 1911. I museet er senere indg�et flere v�sentlige museale samlinger s�som Den Teknologiske Samling fra Polyteknisk L�reanstalt, Historisk Teknisk Samling, H.C. �rsted Samlingen, Dansk Industrimuseum, den kommunikationshistoriske samling Tage Schouboe Museet, Patentdirekto

Category: Scandinavia

Date Listed: 9 Aug 2005

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Danmarks Tekniske Museum
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