Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

GoldWings North Wales

North Wales Wings - a very active region of the GoldWing Owners Club of Great Britain - for riders of Honda GoldWing motorcycles. ...interests range from the earliest GL1000 to the latest GL1800, so everyone who is in any way interested in GoldWings and its derivatives is likely to find common interest with us. We welcome any motorcyclists who share our interests, even if their thoughts of riding a "Wing" are still in the future.


Information: N/A

Category: UK Motorcycle Clubs

Date Listed: 29 Nov 2004

Number of Reviews/Comments: 1

User Reviews/Comments:

By: Christine Prescott
This address is not now the address of North Wales Wings-a region of the Gold Wing Owners Clib of Great Britain. Our new address is
Our old de-commisioned address has been re-activated and directs people to a new club which is not connected to the Gold Wing Owner's Club of Great Britain. Please remove this link. North Wales Wing Regional Rep.
Date: 10 Mar 2009

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