Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Category: Motorcycles South Australia

Adelaide Ulysses Branch

...Adelaide Ulysses branch has moved Monthly meetings are held at the European Catering Reception Pty Ltd, 2B Chief St, Hindmarsh. 8pm start, each first Thursday in the month. Come early ( 6.30pm )and have dinner with us.
Meetings sometimes see in excess of 300 members.


Information: N/A

Category: South Australia

Date Listed: 10 Dec 2004

Number of Reviews/Comments: 2

User Reviews/Comments:

By: Tim Tucker
Dear Guys

I am searching for a Difazio Hub Steered BMW colour yellow solo motorcycle and a Difazio Suzuki 500 colour yellow of the same design that were imported by the owners (Jamaison) from the UK to St Peters, South Australia in 1976.

I am trying to trace all (if possible) all the Difazio mark.

Tim Tucker

On behalf of the Difazio Owners Club
Frome, Somerset. UK

The yellow BMW was fitted it with a 1000cc BMW engine in 1981 and sold a year or two later, in Sydney. RJW.

Date: 1 Sep 2008

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