21. BMW Motorrad Club Italia
Un club esclusivo.
Il BMW Motorrad Club Italia è un'Associazione con fini sportivi, culturali e sociali. Si propone infatti di promuovere l'uso della moto come mezzo per spostamenti piacevoli e sicuri, in armonia con l'ambiente ed a contatto con la natura, cavalcando un mezzo meccanico che consente percezioni e sensazioni che solo la moto può donare. |
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24. BMW Motorradclub Lübeck
Wir möchten mit unserer Internetseite nicht nur unsere Mitglieder und Interessenten mit aktuellen Informationen versorgen, sondern auch denjenigen, die uns nicht persönlich kennenlernen wollen oder können, eine Möglichkeit bieten, bei uns interessante Links, Treffen, Tourentipps und vieles Andere zu finden. |
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39. Deutschschweizer BMW Motorradclub
The Swiss German BMW Motorcycle Club was founded in 1970 by some dedicated
Motorcyclists formed. This year our club celebrates its 40th anniversary with
a great anniversary event .
Today our club has over 90 members , of all social strata of the
Switzerland are German . The main objective is the implementation of events to
good recreation and building friendships.
Naturally, events for the whole family to be organized.
Active members can only be pursuant to statutes owner of a BMW motorcycle.
The membership includes automatic membership of BMW Club Europa eV
all the associated benefits. The annual subscription , currently Fri 150.00,
is used for our activities and for the contribution to the BMW Club Europa eV.
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