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2002 FireBlade Review

Ten years after it carved a niche all of its own, Honda has rehoned the 'Blade into an almost unmatchable machine. Kevin Ash reports Next year marks the 10th anniversary of Honda's pivotal FireBlade, the bike which single-handedly changed the direction of big-capacity sports bikes. At a time when big meant BIG in terms of size and weight as well as capacity and power, when bikes like the Suzuki GSX-R1100 and Yamaha FZR1000 EXUP were monsters to wrestle with rather than the honed track tools that the term "sports" ought to have implied, the FireBlade's concentration on light weight and agility were no less than a revelation. Designer Tadao Baba's mission


Information: N/A

Category: CBR900 Fireblade

Date Listed: 3 Jan 2005

Number of Reviews/Comments: 0

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