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Gold Wing Chapters, Branches, Clubs Continental Europe

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1. Club GoldWing Asociacion de Espana
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2. Coburger Goldwinger
Homepage des Goldwingstammtisches Coburg Föderationspartner der GWFD
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3. Eurotrash Topper Wings
The Gold Wing Owners Eurotrash Topper Club ( G.W.O.E.T.C.) was set up recently, by a small handful of Gold Wing owners from around Europe. These Gold Wing owners met each other during GWEF - meetings and became very close friends. The purpose of these treffs around Europe is to enjoy travelling with our Wings,to meet...
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4. Gold Wing Club Austria
Regionen Vorstand Kalender Veranstaltungen Stammtische Clubshop Diskussionsforum Account
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5. Gold Wing Club Berlin
In July 1983, the GWCB eV in accordance with European and American models gegründet.Die central idea of ​​the call of 13 founding members in life is wearing, club was the intention to expand the interest in motorcycling in club form, and this is a motorcycle type just the Honda Goldwing herumzu konzentrieren.Nach eventful development of the club-members-has Mitgliederhöchststand1984 = 45 the number of members at this point in von16 konsolidiert.Wir have currently over 17 Honda Goldwing MACHINES in various features and design, the control of female and male drivers werden.Der Represented by an association board is composed of the first and second chairman, the treasurer and the secretary.
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6. Gold Wing Club Deutschland e.V.
German Goldwing Club
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7. Gold Wing Club Holland
...Official Web pages of Gold Wing Club Holland. The purpose of these pages is to give and exchange information to and between members of Gold Wing Club Holland and the Gold Wing European Federation, to show other Gold Wing riders what we, Gold Wing Club Holland and the Gold Wing European Federation have to offer you and to show the rest of the world what we are doing.
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8. Gold Wing Club Italia
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9. Gold Wing Club of Poland
In 1994 Tomek Nowak hit on an idea of founding a club, which would unite people driving and possessing, so as he, Honda Gold Wing. The article appeared at motor-cycle press with opportunity of twentieth anniversary existences of "Gold Wing", and in him the mention about Tom's trying, in answer on which several persons answered and among them I - the fresh owner of GW.
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10. Gold Wing Club Romandie
Club de motos de romandie Fondé à Genève en 1986, ce Club, comme son nom l'indique, regroupe des possesseurs de motos américaines de type 'Honda Gold Wing'. Représentant à ce jour un effectif d'environ 100 membres et quelque 80 machines, cette amicale repose essentiellement sur une philosophie empreinte d'amitié, au caractère familial.
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11. Gold Wing Club Sweden
Goldwing Club Sweden (GWCS) is an interest and branded club for owners and interested in the Honda GOLDWING motorcycle. The club was formed in 1981 and operates nationwide with more than 2400 members.
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12. Gold Wing European Federation
GWEF is a federation of national Gold Wing motorcycle clubs in Europe. These clubs are made up of owners of the Honda Gold Wing motorcycle.
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13. Gold Wing Freunde Bielefeld e.V.
Gold Wing Freunde Bielefeld e.V.
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ALL ABOUT THE GOLDWING MOTOR CLUB BELGIUM Head office Heidestraat 29-3470 Kortenaken Belgium Local Club Cafeteria rink Liedekerke "Goo" cases Sportlaan 1770 Liedekerke
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15. Goldrider Berlin
Goldwing Club / Germany Wir sind der älteste Goldwing-Club in Germany
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16. Goldwing Club Deutschland
Startseite Vorstand Impressum Mitglied werden Aufn.Antrag Bank-Einzug Bistro Blue Treffen-History Club-Shop Die GoldWing Links GW-Termine pdf GW-Kalender
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17. GoldWing Club Norway
WEB-sidene til GoldWing Club Norway
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18. Goldwing Club of Finland
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19. Goldwing Federation Germany
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20. Goldwing Freunde Bergisches Land
Der Stammtisch Goldwing Freunde Bergisches Land ist eine Interessengemeinschaft von Fahrern einer Honda Goldwing jeden Typ´s.
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