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32. Ridley Automatic Motorcycles®
Ridley Motorcycle Co. : America's Automatic Motorcycle. The clutchless, shiftless motorcycle. Now offering two and three wheel automatic transmission motorcycles. Over 50 Dealerships and 250 Service Centers. |
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35. Roper Steam Cycles
The bikes are replicas of the 1884 Copeland steamer, and the 1896 Roper. I haven't steamed the Copeland, as its a long way to fall off, but run the Roper regularly. I've had it up to 40mph with throttle left, but lost nerve due to handling and minimal braking. It runs on charcoal at 225 psi and builds steam faster that you can use it.
Sylvester Roper had a heart attack and fell off when riding the original, and became the world's first motorcycle fatality. |
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38. Rosler & Jauernig
irma sídlila v průmyslově rozvinutých severních Čechách převážně osídlených německy mluvícím obyvatelstvem. Pánové Rösler a Jauernig ji v Ústí nad Labem, Na Luhách 14, založili roku 1896.
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