Bikelinks Motorcycle Directory

Scootoz Australia Pitboss

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Category: Minibikes

Date Listed: 17 Nov 2004

Number of Reviews/Comments: 19

User Reviews/Comments:

By: Frank
I'm the dude that won the Pitboss bike and Pitboss backjob from Scootoz, Ive been riding the pity since the start of 2005, I was practically dared by the bloke who gave me the bike to destroy it, my friends and I have been trashing, crashing and jumping the bike since that day (probably cuz were not that good at riding it)and apart from some minor bits that needed bending back nothing has broken and it doesent look like anything will, reliable, built to last, more fun than a barrel of monkeys and FREE!!
Date: 1 Jun 2005

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By: kelly
im thirteen and im a girl and i think pitbosses are mad ive also got a 110 pitboss with all the stickers like metal mulisha and lbz on it its cool
Date: 5 Apr 2005

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By: AUSdogger
hey fellas, i was thinking of byein a thumpstar and thought the pitboss was an imattaion but thanks for tellin me about this if you guys have any specs or anything between the two can u please email me the pros and cons of both. thanks!
Date: 2 Mar 2005

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By: frenchy
i have a 2004 FYM pitboss and i love it. a few things to b carefull of are that the back spokes can come loose and have heard that if thr chain can get loose easy and flick up and crack the engine. also wear riding boots, as i was going over a jump and cause the bike is so small it came out in front of me and i disslocated my ancle. its not fun...
Date: 27 Feb 2005

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By: pUnKeR piLoT.....
Anyone who thinks that pittys are not to be jumped large distances by adults with Luna Park smiles should put their head back in there pipe. A geniune jumpster..
Date: 7 Feb 2005

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By: Pitboss
Yeah I'm a dealer, selling Pitboss for 2 years now, don't see any other dealers here mate. Bet your a pissed off thumpstar dealer huh ? Pissed off that Metal Mulisha chose 10 Pitboss 107s for the Oz tour - huh ?
Date: 1 Feb 2005

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By: Jumping lunatic
gee we sure to have alot of dealers on here putting on commnets to help boost sales
Date: 27 Jan 2005

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By: Mulisha freak
bottom line is , the METAL MULISHA chose pitboss EGF, thumpstar gets raves in mags coz they grease the palms of editors. figure it out
Date: 27 Jan 2005

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By: matcha
HI i own a 05 110 pitboss there are awwesome i think they are the best although in my motox mag it says thumpstar are lol .
Date: 23 Jan 2005

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By: Dangerous Dave stunt rider...
ya' reckon the pitracer is bad take a look at pitbike, what rubbish that is, stickin with real PITboss here too
Date: 23 Jan 2005

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By: Joseph Andrews
YES, now I understand, I saw one of those copies called pitracer, it is total junk, compared to the pitboss it is different it has a cast iron barrel not alloy the guy at shop showed us all the differences had a shock so bad that when I sat on it the exhaust hit the tyre - big differnce, will stay with our pitboss
Date: 23 Jan 2005

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By: Bex
Hi Guy's I have been doing some modelling for uk importers of the pitboss, "Future Racing" here in england. I have a pitboss on loan from them and love it.The x sport and thumpstar seem to be the two popular brands in the uk but they fall apart very quickly and have no spares back up, check out for pix of me riding the pitboss in the uk. see ya. Bex.
Date: 20 Jan 2005

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By: Lord William
da' Pittys da' fiddy o'er here lads, take a look at this site on the dumpstar, sorry thumpstar nuttin but probs with em, and da pittys keeps goin n goin n goin
Date: 20 Jan 2005

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By: Dangerous Dave stunt rider...
I own a Pitboss and they are the best!!!destroyed a copies engine in 3 hours..but lucky enough the copy is still going with a Pitboss engine i replaced it with.I have the new Pitboss by Scootoz and it has proven it self in the last show spending most of the day verticle on one wheel.The new rear disc brake is excellent and i ride on it constant for high wheelies.All in all as a whole the bike is great and i since sold my Imitation.The new engine is a lot smoother and has more torque.I have fitted road tyres to it and have placed bridgestone 120's excellent for stoppies and riding on the beach.I wheelied one mile beach on the weekend and rode a few dunes! thats my 2 cents worth on the new Pitboss..
Date: 3 Jan 2005

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By: Pitboss
Take a look here guys -
BEWARE : Pit Bike - Pit Racer are low spec fakes of the PITBOSS!%20BEWARE.htm
Date: 1 Jan 2005

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By: DrPitboss
RE: alex - Pitboss is the original - there are clones and semi clones with 26mm forks not 33mm, non adjustable shocks etc, the semi clones are "pitbike" - "pitracer" etc... you can tell a real Pitboss from a fake with this easy info, Pitboss has the alloy cylinder barrel vertical cooling fins, 33mm forks, look for the shraeder gas charged valve on the rear shock with height/pre-load adjusters, genuine 24mm Mikuni carb with teflon coated slider, solid billet triple clamps, solid billet risers, SS pegs, then the stuff you can't see RE: double valve springs, high compression piston, performance camshaft, black powder coated engine for cooling, deeper oil galleys in oil cooler, alloy throttle grip cores, .... you get what you pay for !
Date: 1 Jan 2005

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By: wayne
I disagree with your comment alex as my research has so far shown Pitboss to be the original adult pitbike. Imitation pitboss and thumpstar that i have seen are most certainly under $2000 and as alex has said they probably would not be recomended for adult riding but are dirt cheap and great value for a kid.
Date: 28 Dec 2004

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By: alex
they're so cheap because they are a sort of "home brand" bike. theyre good for kids, but i would not trust one for an adult.
Date: 25 Dec 2004

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By: Joseph Andrews
the pitboss is a ver confident bike and can flog the hell out of any lil kawasaki or yamaha although rumour has it these pitbosses have been imported and are selling for under $2000.00 whilst i bought my kids one for $3500.00 please advise me on why these are so cheap.
Date: 25 Dec 2004

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