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European Sidecar Manufacturers, Engineers, Clubs and Racing

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21. Side Car Club Français
Side Car Club Français, association loi 1901 Site looks really 'orreebul but is chock-a-bloc with information and entertainment. Les bonnes adresses du SCCF (27/02/13) Diaporama du salon du side-car 2012 (11/12)(12/11/12) Diaporama l'Euro Gespann Treffen 2012 par Daniel (08/12) (12/11/12) Vidéo du Moto Tour 2012 (10/12) (14/10/12) Diaporama du Moto Tour 2012 Vidéos du rassemblement européen de GOUZON 2012 Diaporama du rassemblement européen de GOUZON 2012
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22. Uli Jacken - Motorrader Gespanne
Short biography of the team enthusiastic Uli Jackets: 1981 - 1986: management of a motorcycle workshop (start of independence) from 1989 to 1996: Partner and guide a large travel agency for motorcycle trips in Africa since 1989: Directs courses on safe motorcycling for Solo, - Enduo - and carriage driving at MOTO active eV Since 1994: Representation of the French brand SIDE BIKE in southern Germany since 2008: Distribution of the Dutch manufacturer of tags Tripteq In his workshop are mainly BMW and Yamaha models all model years.
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23. Sidecar Museum Italy
Via Valcarecce, 13 62011 CINGOLI MC - ITALY P.IVA 01644870436 tel.e fax +39.0733.602651 From the only museum in the world devoted entirely to the sidecar, I am pleased to present the history of this vehicle through a traveling exhibition of the most important historic sidecar that is stored inside the museum, filled with very original accessories that bear witness to the creativity and imagination of our ancestors. Added to this is a movie with rare historical documents. With 20 exhibits will try to revive the last 100 years of human history that, through efforts and inventions, created increasingly sophisticated vehicles, readily available but children of today ' a history of research and experimentation. The exhibition traces the various eras and touches the major industrialized countries that always have been hammering away at improving the technique, aesthetics, comfort. sincere thanks to the pioneers of the sidecar, the architects of a part of the story transport too often forgotten.
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24. Sidecar55
Dave Carvill Back in my youth I rode schoolboy motocross, after some years away from racing I returned at age 18 to race 500cc sidecars in 1991. Unfortunatley I only lasted 1 season before going away to university....
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25. SidecarJohn
Personal sidecar web pages Includes an article on a BMW K1 sidecar outfit
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26. Sidecarmaniac's Sidecar and Yamaha GTS1000 site
About sidecars, zijspan,Yamaha GTS1000, Elefantentreffen, motoren, SideBike MegaComete, endurance sidecar, long distance riding, gespanne, sidecar
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27. Sidecars Home Page
Velorex UK sidecars, quality and affordable, recommended.
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28. Sietekaristen ut 't Brugsche
The Magnesite Kari Sten ut 't Brugsche are a group of friends and sidecar riders who ride for their pleasure . They want to share this pleasure with others and without obligations. They participate in and organize multiple runs with the disabled . They also organize an annual meet likeminded sidecar riders where they meet . The Magnesite Kari Sten keep quiet on the sidecar and wrong. If they do not go riding together they already eat together, play pentanque or a week end away from the accommodation.
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29. Stahmer-NF
EML Sidecars Manfred Stahmer Glietzer Dorfstr. 17-18 15913 Märkische Heide Telefon:035471-294841
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30. Stoye seitenwagen
seitenwagenbau The acquaintance of the mechanic Walter Stoye with the oil representatives Hans middle two early twenties had been founded with the consequence that the vehicle Stoye-Leipzig. There are several side car designed and also directly to the customer motorcycles the then most sports enthusiasts from the surrounding environment were adjusted.
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31. Walter-Gespanntechnik, Gespanne vom feinsten
Infos fuer gespannbegeisterte (reiseberichte, gefuehrte gespanntouren, sauerland) Walter, Stoye, Jewell, Jeaniel Wabern-Harle
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32. Watsonian Sidecars - The Motor Cycle, 1945
Watsonian Sidecars from The Motor Cycle 1945
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33. Wecome to Westcountry G
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34. Worldwide Sidecar Links & Hack Pics photos
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