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Classic Motorcycle Directory F: Fafnir Fantic Favor FN Francis-Barnett

Francis Barnett
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21. Franzani Motorenwerk GmbH
Die erste Franzani hatte einen Zweitaktmotor mit 298 cm3 Hubraum, nach anderen Quellen mit 283 cm3, in einem konventionellen Dreiecks- Rohrrahmen mit Riemenantrieb und Klotzbremse. Ab 1925 kam noch eine 350 cm3 Version mit Trommelbremse hinzu. die Kraftübertragung erfolgte über ein Zweigang-, resp. Dreiganggetriebe.
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22. Frejus Motorcycles
Frejus motorcycles - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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23. Frera - Motorcycle Image Gallery
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24. Frera 1931 Legere
Yesterdays Frera became active in motorcycle trade in the early 1900s and marketed their first motorcycle under the Frera name in 1906...
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25. Fuji Cabin 1955 With Japan in a devastated turmoil, many companies scrambled for survival. Hitachi Aviation, associated with Hino and Isuzu were forbidden to build airplanes and attempted to survive by producing non-war related products. Hitachi became Tokyo Gas-Electric Manufacturing Company and merged with Fuji Automobile...
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26. Fuji Rabbit 1968 Scooter The origins of this sophisticated scooter can be traced back to the Nakajima Aircraft Co., manufacturers of a vast range of airplanes during and between both world wars.
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27. Fuldamobil Microcars
Fuldamobil motorcycles - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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28. Fusi - Motorcycle Image Gallery
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29. Fusi 1937 Sport
Yesterdays Fusi 1937 “ Sport 250” 248 cc OHC racing model engine# 3812 C.F.S. 68x68 The firm of CF (designers Catellia and Fiorani) had started building powerful little 173 cc and 248 cc face cam OHC singles in 1928...
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30. Fusi Motorcycles
Fusi Vintage Italian Motorcycles from Sheldon's EMU - Information, Images and Resources.
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31. Telaimotor Motorcycles
Telaimotor motorcycles - Owners and clubs, parts resources, images, links to technical articles...
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32. The FIS (Poland)
The idea to build the first Polish engine for a speedway motorbike came about in a town called Rzeszow, the brain child of two profesional mechanics...
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