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Classic, Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Clubs and Associations
2. Hatyai Classic Motorcycles
The organisation was established about two years ago and exists of more than 100 members. Objective of the group is to preserve the heritage of classic motorbikes and scooters. Anybody who owns a classic bike or scooter is welcomed to join. Hat Yai is located in the very south of Thailand close to the Malaysian border as shown on the following link. |
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3. Pretoria Old Motor Club
The Pretoria Old Motor Club (POMC) was started in 1966 by a few old car enthusiasts who felt a need to share information, skills and parts. Today the POMC boasts with almost 300 active members who collectively hold more than 1500 cars and motorcycles.
Members of the POMC are from all walks of life and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience in many different fields. They have a single commonality, preservation of our motoring heritage. It brings them together and it keeps them together.
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