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Classic, Vintage and Veteran Motorcycle Clubs Europe - Oldtimers

Dutch Classic Clubs @
German Classic Clubs @
1. Association Arbracam Terrot Dijon Association Arbracam Terrot Dijon, ce site est ... au patrimoine industriel motocycliste dijonnais, il est tout naturellement ... Terrot mais aussi Arbinet, Durandal, PP Roussey
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2. Belgian Vintage Vehicles Association
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3. BFG Club France
...and you thought CBX's were wide!
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4. Classic Motorcycle Club of Greece Classic Motorcycle Club of Greece. �ember of E.O. FILPA (ANTIQUE CAR and MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF GREECE) and FIVA.
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5. Club Triton France
Well developed and attractive site. Club Triton France 9 rue du Potelet 91410 Dourdan
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freunde alter Motorr�der schweiz, fanatiques d anciennes motos suisse, amici moto veterane svizzera
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7. FFVE - La Federation Francaise des Vehicules d'Epoque
Over 45 years of service to collectors! Since 1995, the President Delagneau causes FFVE in the most spectacular phase of its history Development: about 200 to over a thousand! Many episodes of this period are reported under the heading "results and records in progress " . Site includes a very useful guide to French auto museums.
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8. Italo-Moto-Club-Schweiz
You're also succumbed to the special aura of Italian motorcycles, then you are absolutely right in this club. About pros / cons of each brand is one of Dia is not united and the issue has been some discussion as lively. Our members are found in virtually all...
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9. Motorcykelhistoriska klubben syd
Vintage motorcycle club based in south of Sweden and organizer of 550 km International rally Skane Rundt open to bikes made before 1946.
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10. Norwegian Veteran Motorcycle Club
Norwegian Veteran Motorcycle Club aims to promote and safeguard the interest in vintage motorcycles, or otherwise interesting motorcycles in Norway. The club must: 1.Virke on a national basis at the issue of technical and historical information. 2.Formidle ads. 3.Arrangere veteranløp and veteran hits in Norway. 4.Formidle and protect the veteran bike riders interests above authorities and motor organizations.
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11. Puch en Tomos Club Vlaanderen
Puch en Tomos Club Vlaanderen, voor oldtimer Puch en Tomos brommers van 1950-1980 Belgian club
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12. V.M.C. - Veteraan Motoren Club Netherlands-based pre-1941 classic motorcycle club. The ´Veteraan Motoren Club´ is a group of people, who own a motorcycle or motorcycle-engine or who are interested. The motorcycles concerning must be built before 1941. The VMC counts at this moment about 12500 members and donators. The interest not only limits to the restoration of motorcycles and keep them as a 'running museum' but also documentation, folders, photos and other memorabilia.
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13. Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
"Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club. Stories, Tech Tips, Mailing List, For Sale and Wanted pages too."
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14. VMCM Die Clubabende werden jeden zweiten Donnerstag im Monat im "Panoramarestaurant Haus an der Weinstraße" in 2340 Mödling, Gumpoldskirchnerstraße 50, am Eichkogel, ab 19.00 Uhr abgehalten
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