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Classic, Vintage and Veteran Motorcycle Clubs Holland- Dutch Oldtimers

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1. Veteraan Motoren Club NL (Featured)
VMC motor - Veteraan Motoren Club
The Veteraan Motoren Club is a group of people, who own a motorcycle or motorcycle-engine or who are interested. The motorcycles concerning must be built before 1941. The VMC counts at this moment about 1400 members and supporters. The interest not only limits to the restoration of motorcycles and keep them as a 'running museum' but also documentation, folders, photos and other memorabilia.
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Ook bij mij kwam het verzoek voor het jaarlijkse verslag. Altijd een beetje lastig om de eerste zinnen te schrijven want zojuist heb ik een begin gemaakt met het opzetten van de kerstboom maar op het moment dat de SG op ieders deurmat valt is het meer gepast om te beginnen met Gelukkig Nieuwjaar, en ieder heel veel geluk en goede gezondheid toe te wensen.
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3. CBFourclub Nederland
De Honda CB Four Club Nederland is een club van bezitters en andere liefhebbers van de reeks Honda motorfietsen met een viercilinder motor met een enkele bovenliggende nokkenas (SOHC).
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4. CBX1000 club Netherlands
The Honda CBX 1000 Club of the Netherlands was founded on May 19, 1991 and currently has 255 members who are all involved in riding a motorcycle to keep the entire engine and all motorcycle enthusiasts press in early 1978 was salivating
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5. Classic Seventies Superbikes Collection
Flash site. Includes a number of short articles in Dutch.
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6. Club Franse Motoren
Officiële Site van de Club Franse Motoren. Er is een informatie over de club, agenda, motornieuws, links en meer...
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7. Fehac
The FEHAC is the overarching interest for the maintenance of the Dutch mobile historical heritage. In our contacts with various authorities consistently shows that the power of large numbers. A connected world of lovers of historic vehicles is essential for the preservation of our hobby! The increasingly stringent government measures relating to motorized traffic in general, sometimes just for the historic vehicle hobby reaching consequences. Examples of such holder's tax measures are public, registration requirements, technical requirements for the MOT vehicle. import and environmental requirements and possible future road pricing, in any form whatsoever. The FEHAC is a member of the FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens).
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8. Heinkelklub Netherlands
Heinkelklub “De Kwakel” is een landelijke vereniging van bezitters van Heinkelvoertuigen. Deze voertuigen, te weten scooters, dwergauto’s en bromfietsen werden in de vijftiger en zestiger jaren in Duitsland door de firma Heinkel gemaakt. Ernst Heinkel (1888-1958) had zich in de 2e wereldoorlog met de vliegtuigbouw bezig gehouden.
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Herewith we invite you for the 32th INTERNATIONAL HORSEPOWER­RUN, which will be held on Sunday April 21th 2013. Entrants which may need any help to find a good overnight accomodation can mention this on their entryform or can visit our website.
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The IMCN is an association and its purpose is the keeping of Indian motorcycles driving in the Netherlands in the broadest sense of the word. We're trying to achieve, inter alia, organizing trips, rallies, technical evenings and other meetings, the issue of our magazine, the club shop and furthermore all lawful means. Annually there are at least 1 technical evening, 4 runs and 1 rally. There is also 1 x per year the annual meeting that is combined with the New Year's reception.
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11. Jan Snoeijs' New Map Motorcycles
1898, Joseph Martin opens the doors of a small workshop on the "Avenue Lacassagne" in Lyon as a manufacturer of bicycle parts and later wheels and landing gear. During the First World War the demand for aircraft parts and other fellow war testify that the small workshop located uitbreide into a veritable factory at the end of the First World War. In the early 20s son Paul takes over from Joseph. In 1924, Paul Martin takes the decision itself to manufacture motorcycles, the first "New Folder's" have seen the light of day in 1925. These were then light two-strokes.
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12. KNMV Dutch Motorcycle Association
De KNMV is een vereniging van en voor motorrijders. De KNMV levert een actieve bijdrage aan het bevorderen van het veilig motorrijden. Uiteraard zijn ook mensen die (nog) niet actief motorrijden van harte welkom bij de KNMV.

The KNMV is an organization for motorcyclists. The KNMV delivers an active contribution to promoting safe motorcycling. Obviously people are (still) not actively drive motor welcome to KNMV!

The KNMV stands for:
- Maintaining the possibilities of freedom and fun motorcycle riding;
- The optimum facilitation of the motor drive; possible through collaboration;
- Maintaining and where possible enhance the ability to exercise motorsport.

Political activities
The KNMV has an active political policy. Regular is the Parliament and the Ministry of Transport and Water Management (V & W) visited. The network grows and the visible contacts begin to bear fruit. The lobbying leads to a number of cases in the KNMV asked for explanations in the House and that politics KNMV proactively respond to exercise the expertise around the motor drive is safe.

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13. Motorfietsweb - klassieke motoren
Motorfietsweb - Dé Nederlandse site over klassieke motoren. Met vraag en aanbod van motorfietsen en onderdelen, een adressengids, een technisch forum, een agenda, enz.
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14. MZ Club Holland
A club for motorcycle enthusiasts with a preference for the MZ-stroke motorcycle from Zschopau.
MZ Club Holland was founded in 1979. The club has grown to over 300 members. The members come from the Netherlands, but also several foreign members enrich our member list. The club is in contact with the MZ-foreign clubs like in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, England, Finland and France.
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15. Norton Club Nederland
Norton Netherlands Club was founded on the 15th of April 1974. A group of enthusiastic came together on that memorable day and started the whole thing!

The members kept coming and the NCN grew rapidly. In those years nobody would have thought that would not last and Norton Motorcycles mearly the red machines.After the factory closed in 1978 it was evident that Norton was going to be an exceptional motorcycle to ride / own.

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16. NSU Club Nederland
Pagina's over de NSU Club Nederland
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Links to large number of Dutch vintage motorcycle resources. overzicht van sites die met oldtimers te maken hebben.
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18. Oldtimers in Auto Motor Klassiek
Alles over oldtimers bij Auto Motor Klassiek webzine voor klassieke autos en motoren
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19. Oud Maar Sterk Veteranen Toerclub
Oud maar Sterk - Dutch oldtimers touring club. “Oud Maar Sterk” is geen merkenclub, maar maakt zich sterk voor alle merken. Juist deze verscheidenheid aan voertuigen maakt ”Oud Maar Sterk” tot een unieke toerclub met een speciale sfeer en veel activiteiten.
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De Sleuteldag bij Anne & henriette was weer heel gezellig met een heerlijke tractatie bij de koffie en tussen de middag heerlijke erwtensoep. Voor herhaling vatbaar! Klik hier voor de foto`s
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