21. Further Adventures in Motorcycling: 1909 - 2009
Grandad and his brother setting off on their motorcycles for a summer holiday in Ireland in 1909. Nothing special you might think, but back then it was quite a big deal. They rode nearly a thousand miles on motorcycles with barely more power than a modern moped, on roads that were in places so
bad that they had to ride on the pavement, chased by ferocious Irish dogs and menaced by horses and cows that had never seen a motorcycle. |
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22. Histoire de la Moto
French history of motorcycles
Reading Standard
Motos de GP Patrick Lang
Marque et moteurs Villiers
Honda CB450
Kawasaki A7 SS
Essai Griffon 1903
and much more |
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34. Moto Collection, moto ancienne.
Moto Collection s'adresse à tous les passionnés de motos anciennes, aux restaurateurs amateurs, aux collectionneurs. ABC de la restauration, actualité, annonces, bonnes adresses, fiches techniques, forum, etc. |
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35. Motociclos e Ciclomotores Portugueses
Casal Famel Macal AJP Anfesa EFS So4 Pachancho Vilar Fundador Alma/Motali Mayal Colossal Vouga Forvel Pápa-Léguas Celestino Confersil SIS Nacional ZIG Rápida Quiper Masac DC. Diana. Mairl Perfecta Narvic Mourisotan Alsil Mavico Irmãos Casal/Motosal minha garagem. Rec.imprensa Competição Nacional Fotos da época Manuais Símbolos Motores Fornecedores de material Exposições Automobilia 2006 |
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36. Motoclub Oldtimer Motorrad
Das Motorrad Oldtimer Portal mit vielen Informationen zu Ihrem Oldie. Marken wie BMW, D-Rad, Wanderer, Zündapp, NSU und allgemeine Infos wie Zulassung und TÜV, Restaurierung, Rallyes, Clubs und Stammtische finden Sie hier bei motoclub.de. |
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37. Motoclub Oldtimer Motorrad Portal
"Das Motorrad Oldtimer Portal mit vielen Informationen zu Ihrem Oldie. Marken wie BMW, D-Rad, Wanderer, Zndapp, NSU und allgemeine Infos wie Zulassung und TšV, Restaurierung, Rallyes, Clubs und Stammtische finden Sie hier bei motoclub.de." |
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